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encompasses a wide range of goals, from disseminating knowledge and entertaining readers to marketing products and preserving information. It’s a versatile medium that can serve different objectives depending on the author or creator’s intentions.

What’s inside


We're All a Work In Progress

Season 1


God Knows Where We Are Headed

Season 1


I found What I was Looking For

Season 2


The Rag

Season 2


What's Wrong With Common Sense?

Season 3


Is God An Unloving God?

Season 3


God's Pause Button

Season 4


Innocence of a Child

Season 4

We’re All a Work In Progress


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and
as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
–Colossians 3:16

Looking back over time I realize we’re all a work in progress and some of us may have more work to be done in us than others. The first day in a Bible class, in a Bend church I attended while on a pilgrimage to escape from what seemed to be daily disasters was a doozy. My comment, when told God wants us to forgive and pray for our enemies, still brings a laugh to those who were there. “Who me?” Forgive and pray for the people who ruined my life. Forgiving family is one thing, but to pray for people outside my family who hurt me seems impossible unless I pray they look into a mirror every day and remember what they did. And how will I know if I’ve forgiven them unless they are standing in front of my vehicle with the motor racing and me behind the wheel?”
A year later I dreamed about my enemies. I woke up unafraid and with no trace of anxiety. Another time I went to bed and was praying when I heard the words “Forgive my enemies.” I must have laid there in the dark saying these words over and over in my head while wondering where they came from. I knew the answer. I told God, “They are yours now. I don’t want them any longer.”
Sometimes it is much easier to lash out and try to get even with those who hurt us. I am slowly learning that God uses even our enemies to give us strength and enrich our lives if we allow Him room to work in us. It will take time to rid myself fully of the re- sentiment being stored up. It helps to remember something written in a Dear Abby column years ago, “Resentment is letting someone live rent-free in your head.”
Webster’s Dictionary defines a dream as: “A series of thoughts, images, and feelings which come to a person during sleep.” In the dictionary, I find no mention of who sends them. Fascinating is the word I use each time I see one of my dreams coming to life. I was not sent a dream to prepare me for what was to come when my husband and I planned our retirement. Odd that I never thought to look up a definition for retirement until typing it just now. Isolation, loneliness, and withdrawal are the words used in the dictionary to define retirement.


